Review - Tanchjim 4U

Welcome to Acho Reviews!!

English | Español

Welcome to the Acho Reviews blog where I will share my impressions and opinions about products that I am lucky enough to own or be loaned.

Before starting to upload reviews about specific products, I would like to take this moment to explain a little about what my aim is with this blog.

Over the past few years, the sound quality of a large amount of audio products has improved while, at the the same time, prices that we need to pay for this quality have dropped dramatically. This allows us to have a quality of sound reproduction at a price that wasn't even dreamed of only a few years back.

This doesn't mean that there aren't still products on sale that cost more than a family car, or even some peoples houses, such as the Sennheiser Orpheus that retails around 50.000€, there are still plenty of 4 and 5 digit products available! By this I am not saying that these highly priced products are not good (although some of them aren't) but there are many products available that offer great results at prices that are much lower.

My focus here on "Acho Reviews" is good quality for a reduced price and although some of the products I review will not fall into that description, I hope to enjoy sharing my impressions and opinions anyway.

At present, this blog (and any relevant Youtube content) is completely self-sufficient, there are no monetized links, no sponsors and certainly no one is paying me to write these reviews. All the products featured on this blog are either purchased by me personally or have been loaned to me by a third party. All reviews will be my personal thoughts and honest opinions, if I can't be honest about it, I won't publish it!

All the reviews and blog entries will be published in both English and Spanish, those in English will have (ENG) included in their title, whereas the Spanish entries will have (ESP). 

If you would like to collaborate and help with this project, as we don't accept donations, you can do so just be subscribing to this blog and helping us grow. You can also help, if you wish, by sending items for review. To know more about sending items, please send an email to:

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you continue to visit and help this blog to grow!!


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(This post was originally published on the 21st of June 2019, the published date was updated when English and Spanish entries were divided on the 30th of July 2019)