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Review - KZ EDX (Sub 50€)

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Also available on YouTube in Spanish: Acho Reviews YouTube 

I need to start this review by saying that the KZ EDX have been sent to me by AK Audio, a seller on AliExpress. In exchange, the only request has been that I include a link to the product both in my YouTube review and the review on the blog.

The link to the product on AK Audio is:

As always, I will post my personal and honest opinions but it is worth noting that these headphones have been sent to me as a gift by the seller.


The KZ EDX take me on a journey to the past, not because they are an old IEM, they have only been released very recently, but because they are a ultra-budget single dynamic driver from KZ, much the same as the KZ ATE which were my first entry into the budget IEM world.

The EDX are probably the cheapest IEMs I have reviewed until now, during the 11.11 sale, they were available for just over 5€, that is cheap to the point of being surprised if they even make sound.

I still own the ATE but unfortunately could not find it among the (too) many sets of IEMs I have. It would have been interesting to do a direct comparison as to how far we have advanced in this time.


The EDX comes in the normal KZ packaging, as do the majority of their models. It is a simple white box with an image of the IEMs on the front. The interior slides out of a cardboard sleeve (which is actually what has the image etc) revealing the IEMs through a plastic cover.

Underneath the space for the IEMs, there is the model name and “Customized Heavy-bass Earphone”. KZ are fans of writing descriptions on their packaging and also on the IEMs themselves, in this case, the IEMs state “Bass Dynamic”, so the guess would be that this is a bass focused IEM.

Underneath the foam insert we find the usual documentation, a pinkish cable and a bag with two spare sets of silicone tips (in different sizes). 

Build and aesthetics…

The build and aesthetics are surprisingly good for such a cheap IEM, I mean, the price is something that we need to remember throughout the whole of this review. The price of these earphones is less than a sandwich in an airport.

The IEMs are completely made of plastic, as is to be expected, and are very lightweight. The seal between the backplate and main shell is not perfect but is only really noticeable when looking closely.

The shape of the IEMs follows the usual shape of KZ, which has proven to be comfortable, and in my case they are completely white with a grey X logo on the backplate.

The included cable is very similar, if not identical, to the majority of cables included with KZ IEMs. It is a pink color, with a white inline microphone and transparent connectors on both ends.

All in all, the build and aesthetics are acceptable but if we think of the price once more, they are pretty darn good.


The IEMs use a single 10mm dynamic driver, with an impedance of 23 Ohms and 112dB/W sensitivity, meaning that these IEMs can be easily driven by almost anything with a headphone jack.

Based on the description on both the box and IEMs mentioning bass, I expected these to be very heavy in that department but they are actually much tamer than I expected.

There is good extension down into the sub-bass range, with the intro hits of “No Mercy” being heard right from the beginning of the track.

The bass is elevated throughout the majority of it’s range, starting to head downhill as it passes the 100Hz mark and starts to move into the lower mid categories. However, the bass is not overly boosted, it does not overpower the rest of the frequencies like it does on certain other KZ offerings with boosted bass. The song “Sun Is Shining” by Bob Marley & Robin Schulz presents itself in a way that you can appreciate the whole range of frequencies, not just an overpowering bass boost, but it is certainly noticeable that the bass is boosted.

I was going to go on and say that unfortunately the bass is not as tight and defined as I would like it to be, however, remembering the price of these, I can’t really expect them to have great control and definition in the low ranges. This obviously translates as being a bass that is slightly bloated and muddy but that is in comparison to any IEM that is at least 6 times the price. The bass can also get a little distorted when pushed on songs with highly powered bass sections.

In the lower mids, there does seem to be a little bleed from the bass but that also adds up to the slight lack of definition and makes it seem worse than it actually is. When songs are simple and not too boosted in the bass regions, the transition into the mids is not bad, but goes downhill when things get complicated.

There is a recess in the middle of the mids, as with all V shaped signatures, and while it doesn’t affect the lower end of voices too much, it is noticeable. The mids then go on to climb again in order to make sure voices are present and they are. Voices are not overly nasal or lacking in anything particular, they are reasonably presented and are quite listenable.

Moving into the higher registries, there is a presence of sibilance, proved by songs like “Code Cool”. It is nowhere near the worst amount of sibilance I have heard and is only really present on tracks that are prone to sibilance themselves, but it certainly doesn’t tame it.

Up into the highest of ranges, the single dynamic driver actually does a decent job of not rolling off too soon. There is enough brightness and air to be satisfactory, it is just the quality of this that is not great. It is a little hazy and can feel a little harsh on occasions.

The speed, detail and definition of the drivers is certainly not their strong point. These IEMs are not going to present you with details you haven’t heard before, nor do they do an excellent job of dealing with very complex passages. They are not terrible, I have heard much worse at much higher price points (remember the cost of these!) but certainly do not have a wow factor.

The soundstage width is about the usual for a set of IEMs, with image placement that is enough for you to know where sounds are coming from without actually pin pointing them. The transition from left to right can be a little choppy at times but is acceptable.


I am actually having a hard time reviewing these IEMs due to the fact that I can easily spot errors and issues that I would prefer not to be there, but then I cannot ignore the fact that these IEMs cost less than a set of cheap NewBee foam tips.

I don’t feel that picking faults with them is really fair, as they do a job that is far better than I could have ever expected. In fact, they surprise me in the same way that the KZ ATE did back when all of this started.

They are a comfortable set of IEMs that present a sound signature that will be to the liking of the majority of listeners. The faults that I have noticed have been due to the fact that I am specifically sitting and listening to a set of IEMs to give my opinion on them and explain to others, using only words, what the strengths and weaknesses are.

I think that the majority of the general public would use these IEMs and not have a single complaint, and I also think that those are the people that these IEMs are aimed at.

For the general person who wants a set of IEMs to enjoy the latest pop music of their preference, spending as little money as possible, and plugging them directly into their phone, I think these are a very valid option.

When we factor in the price of the EDX, I think they go from being a “very valid option” to being downright great!

All FR measurements of IEMs can be viewed and compared on
All isolation measurements of IEMs can be found on

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