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Review - Tin Hifi T1 Plus (sub 50€)

English | Español
Also available on YouTube in Spanish: Acho Reviews YouTube 

I must first say that the Tin T1 Plus have been sent to me by LuckLZ Audio, who is a seller on Aliexpress. Absolutely no requests have been made by them in exchange for this review, however, I will share a link to their store and this product in both my YouTube review and the version posted on the Acho Reviews blog.

The link to the LuckLZ store is:

And the link to the Tin T1 Plus via LuckLZ is:


The T1 Plus are the latest release from Tin Hifi, a brand that has made some great IEMs, such as the T2 and the T2 Plus that both made it on to the “Best Headphone Related Purchases under 50€” (you can see the video in Spanish here: Auriculares & Más - Las mejores compras por menos de 50€ or read the article in English here: The best purchases under 50€ (sub 50€ shootout))

But Tin Hifi do not only make ultra economical IEMs, they have a few models in their line up that, while still not exactly expensive, are heading up towards the 300€ mark, such as the P2 (a planar magnetic set of IEMs).

However, the T1 Plus is a bit of a break from their usual offerings, especially in the build and aesthetics category but also in sound.


The T1 Plus are presented in a small white box with minimal markings on the exterior, limited to just the logo, the model name and not much more.

Inside the box we find the IEMs in the usual shaped cutout, although in this case it has been covered with a white velvet type material. This is nothing special but it is a little different from the usual foam cut outs.

In the box we also find another smaller box containing the cable, the usual user manual and a plastic bag with a selection of different sized silicone tips, 6 sets in total.

So, not a huge amount of contents but enough for a set of IEMs that come in at under 30€ (putting them clearly in the “Sub 50€” ultra-budget category that I like to mention on the blog).

Build and aesthetics…

I would say that here is where the IEMs differ the most from other offerings from Tin Hifi. Although they have used different shapes on different models, almost all of their models (at least the ones I have seen) are all made from metal. In the case of the T1 Plus, the shells are completely made of plastic, with a clear inside shell and (in my case) a white front plate.

This build decision has resulted in what I think are one of the lightest sets of IEMs I own, they are ridiculously light, they feel as though they weigh the same as one of the foam tips I am using on them (3.2g according to specs).

The clear body of the shell allows us to see a very empty interior, with a lot of free space, and a single dynamic driver that is beryllium coated according to Tin Hifi.

The IEMs don’t feel like they would take a lot of abuse but that could be just the sensation I get because they are so lightweight. Maybe if they are dropped they just float?

The included cable is not bad, it is very similar tho cables included with the majority of IEMs in this price range and is far better than cables included by certain manufacturers (ahem..Blon..ahem).

Another difference from other Tin Hifi models is that they have (finally?) decided to go with 2 pin 0.78mm instead of MMCX. This could save a lot of issues I experienced with the T2 in the past, where the MMCX connectors failed on 3 out of 4 IEMs in a very short period of time. 


In the sound department, Tin Hifi seem to have decided to go for a “V” shaped signature with this set, that is also a bit of a move away from a more balanced nature I have found in other “T” offerings, such as the T2 or the T2 Plus. This actually puts them even more in competition with many other IEMs of a similar price and a similar tuning.

In the sub-bass there is a roll off under around 50Hz that means that these won’t provide the rumble that some others will. There is enough sub-bass for the majority of dance music but in the case of “No Mercy” by Gustavo Santaolalla (I like using the hits of the intro to test), there is noticeable less than on other options.

The main area of the bass that is boosted is around the 70 to 100Hz mark, giving plenty of bass presence in songs like “Sun Is Shining” by Bob Marley and Robin Schultz or “Shot Me Down” by David Guetta. The quality of the bass is acceptable for the price bracket that the T1 Plus sits in, although it is not the best I have heard, some songs can come over as bloated and a little loose.  As an example, the song “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk is missing some articulation to appreciate the bass lines of the track, as is “Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes” by Paul Simon.

The transition into the mids is not the smoothest but is not terrible either. There is a clear fall in levels as the sound moves further into the mids, however, a steep climb between 2kHz and 3kHz does a good job of making voices appear present and don’t seem to be hidden behind instruments. In fact, even though there is a clear dip, the root notes of voices do not seem to be missing, even with higher female voices.

Heading up into the higher ranges, a quick test with the usual “Code Cool” by Patricia Barber reveals that the T1 Plus deals pretty well with sibilance. Even the intro of “Hope is a Dangerous Thing” is not uncomfortable at all, just a slight hint of sibilance which is just about at the right level for the song and my tastes.

After the sibilance range, the typical single dynamic driver fall begins, however, in the case of the T1 Plus, the fall is noticeable but is not too bad on most music. There are a few songs that leave me wanting more treble and as with most single dd options, I would like a bit more in the higher areas but these do not leave me wanting as much as others.

In the speed and definition category, these are not amazing but are again good enough for the price bracket in which they sit. They don’t fall apart on busier tracks but the definition is something that is lacking, especially in the lower regions, meaning that fast passages do become a bit of a blur but this is due to the lack of definition and not necessarily the actual speed.

As far as sound stage and width, they are another set of IEMs that are in the average class as far as width is concerned and the placement of images is also acceptable, giving a an average position but without pinpointing a location exactly.


I would say that they Tin T1 Plus is aimed at the general casual listener, as are so many other IEMs in this low end of the price brackets. They are not IEMs that will impress those who are specifically listening to details in music but will please the majority of those who are listening while doing other things.

If I was to pick what I liked the most about these IEMs, it would probably be the mid-range which, although recessed, does have a nice tonality to it and can make a lot of voices sound pleasurable.

The extreme lightness of these IEMs is impressive and I don’t really have any specific issues with them but I don’t have any specific praise for them either. They do a job that is adequate for their price range and present a sound signature that will please the majority of those wanting something simple to plug into their phones and listen while on the go.

All FR measurements of IEMs can be viewed and compared on
All isolation measurements of IEMs can be found on

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