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Review - Tin Hifi C3

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TLDR version on YouTube: TDLR - Tin Hifi C3

The Tin Hifi C3 were sent to me by in Linsoul in exchange for the publication of this review. The usual disclaimer applies, I have not received any specific comments or requests but it is always good to consider the fact that these IEMs have not actually cost me anything.

You can find the Tin C3 via Linsoul here:

As always, the above is a non-affiliate link.


As I mentioned in my review of the C2, Linsoul sent me three sets of Tin Hifi IEMs, the C2, the C3 and the T4 Plus. After deciding, for no specific reason, to follow the number sequence, todays review is of the C3, which is currently available from Linsoul for just under 50€. This places it inside what I consider to be an extreme budget set, however, it is quite a bit more expensive than the C2, which comes in at under 30€.

While I will judge the C3 on its own merits, a few comparisons to the C2 along the way are inevitable.


The packaging of the C3 is almost identical to the C2, just without the robot. A simple square white box that opens to reveal the IEMs sitting in the top half and another smaller box containing the accessories in the bottom.

Inside the accessories box we find the cable and  5 sets of silicone tips. Again, nothing to really praise but nothing to complain about either. 

Build and Aesthetics…

The build and aesthetics of the C3 are very different to the little brother, with Tin reverting back to a style that is much more common (for them and others). Using 3D printed resin shells in a much more generic shape, they are much more reminiscent of something like the T3 Plus.

The face plate features the Tin Hifi logo in silver over a carbon fiber weave background, simple but by no means ugly (at least in my eyes). 

The more generic shape will mean that it should be quite a comfortable fit for most people and while I didn’t have any issues with the fit of the C2, the C3 shape is probably a safer bet for the majority of users. They are also lightweight and I have to say that I haven’t experienced any discomfort from them even during longer listening sessions.

The included cable is a step up in quality, at least as far as hardware is concerned, opting for metal connectors, splitter and chin slider, which features the Tin logo. I am actually quite fond of the cable. It is not my favourite cable ever but I have absolutely no complaint about the build or ergonomics of either the cable or IEMs.


All tracks mentioned are clickable links that allow you to open the reference track in the streaming service of your choice (YouTube, Tidal, Spotify, etc.)

Here is the usual look at the graph, comparing it to both my personal preference curve and the the C2 for reference:

Starting off with the subbass, we can already see that it is quite a bit north of my preferences in this regard, however, I don’t find it too overpowering in this regard. Using the obligatory (for me) test of “Chameleon”, there is a lot of presence in these lower areas and the control is not the best but it is not the worst either. The C3 seems to defend itself fairly well even in the more populated areas of the track and while I do find it to be a little loose when overworked, I have heard much worse in these frequencies.

Moving on to the midbass, we can also see that the presence is very similar (slightly reduced) to the C2 and I complained about the C2 being far too focused on the bass. Well, the C3 is a good example of how the presence of subbass can actually mitigate the issues I have with midbass. Yes, it is still too present for me in the midbass range but as the subbass takes a little more of the spotlight, along with that (ever so slight) reductuction in the higher part of the midbass, I find that it doesn’t cause me the fatigue that the C2 does.

The midbass doesn’t really bleed over into the lower mids and I feel that the performance is similar to the C2 but that, as the focus is shifted away from these specific frequencies, it comes across as being more coherent. One of the main tests that proves this to me is the low end of the guitar in “Crazy” by Daniela Andrade. In the case of the C2, the guitar becomes very boomy, which is part of my fatigue. Yet the C3, while still having a slight bit of boominess, it is far from the point of the C2, making for a much more pleasant low end for me personally.

The center of the mids has a slight dip but nothing really worth noting and as we climb into the higher mids, the presence of vocals and other instruments is quite nicely balanced. 

From around 2kHz to 5.5kHz is where I find a huge difference between the C2 and the C3. As I mentioned in the C2 review, I found the presence in this range to extend too far, giving things a sensation of being compressed. With the C3, there is a bit of an extra boost around 4kHz that can make some tracks become a little harsh, yet it rolls off about 1000Hz before the C2, giving things much more life and making them seem much more dynamic in this range.

I know others have really liked the C2 and I understand that we are all different, listening to different music and having different tastes, so I can only speak for myself but I much prefer the upper mids and lower treble on the C3.

Moving up into the higher ranges, things do seem to roll off more than on the C2, while still presenting some peaks that can cause a little imbalance in these areas, yet, as the 2k to 5.5k frequencies are more dynamic to my ears, I find that I actually notice the treble more on the bigger brother.

Detail I would say is similar between the two, which is to say decent. Saying that, due (again) to that lack of “compression” and the reduction of those high peaks to some extent, I find that I can appreciate the details much more on the C3.

Soundstage is around average for a set of IEMs and while the image placement may not be perfect, I do find it to be a step up from the previous model, or at least the way it is presented.

The isolation of the C3 is very good above the 1kHz mark, much better than the C2 and way above average. 


The Tin Hifi C3 are a good set of IEMs in my opinion. I don’t think that they are going to break any molds yet the performance is still above average for a budget priced set. In comparison to the C2, I find that they work much better for me in just about every category.

That doesn’t mean that they are better than the C2, as I have seen a lot of love for the C2, it means that they work better for me personally and that I enjoy them much more. I find them more dynamic and that I can appreciate the music much more, both in the low and higher ranges.

As I keep saying in what seems like every review lately, the budget section is full of good choices at the moment and while I don’t think the C3 is to be considered king, it is still a very valid option.

All FR measurements of IEMs can be viewed and compared on
All isolation measurements of IEMs can be found on

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